Personalized Luggage Tags from Inkdoodle (4, 8, or 12)
Upload your own photo, and it’s printed onto one side of these luggage tags; never-tear design and easy looping around your bag’s handle
After purchasing this deal, you will need to visit the website listed on your Groupon voucher to complete redemption. See voucher for more information.
Personalized Luggage Tags from Inkdoodle (4, 8, or 12)
- Craft custom luggage tags for your plane travel
- Upload favorite photo of loved one or favorite thing, and it’s printed onto the tag
- You can print name and address on other side (4 lines provided)
- Never-tear design
- Each 3.37”x2”
About Inkdoodle
Inkdoodle transforms customers into artists. The website lets people upload a favorite photo—such as a family portrait or a candid shot at the park—and have the image printed directly on a gallery-wrapped canvas or metal photo piece. For canvas wrapped prints (not available for metal prints), specialists help augment customers’ self-selected artworks with color-control and image-enhancement systems that bolster hues and sharpen lines. Once the image is appropriately distinct and colorful, they transfer it onto canvas or metal piece with large format printers, saving their computers the hassle of learning to hold a paintbrush.